The date is approaching fast and we’re making preparations. Don’t miss out!
COFFEETURE 致力於打造一個展現咖啡業界顶尖實力的平台,辦方將嚴格嚴格 嚴格挑選參展商,確保每一位都是其領域內的翹楚企業。能夠在 COFFEETURE 這個香港咖啡界年度盛事中亮相,無疑是對参展商實力的最佳印證。主辦方將通過全方位推廣,力宣傳參展商的品牌形象和產品特色。
COFFEETURE aims to showcase the top talents in the coffee industry. We will carefully select the participants to ensure that each one is the best in their field. To participate in COFFEETURE, is undoubtedly the proof of the participants'capabilities. We will be using comprehensive promotion to publize the brand image and product features of the participants.
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COFFEETURE 作為香港咖啡界的年度盛 會,致力於打造一個展現咖啡業界顶尖實力的平台。能夠在 COFFEETURE 這個香港咖啡界年度盛事中亮相,無疑是對参展商實力的最佳印證。而且不僅是展示平台,更是商機無限的交流舞台。主辦方將精心組織各路業界翹楚參與試飲活動,讓参展商能與潜在客户直接接洽,挖掘更多合作商機。
As the annual event of the local coffee industry, COFFEETURE is committed to showcase the top talents in the coffee industry. To be able to participate in COFFEETURE, the annual event of the Hong Kong coffee industry, is undoubtedly the best proof of the participants' capabilities. Moreover, it is not only a display platform, but also a stage for unlimited business opportunities. We will carefully organize various industry leaders to participate in the tasting activities, allowing the exhibitors to directly interact with potential clients and explore more collaboration opportunities.
COFFEETURE -連五天於SOGO奉行,由CONCEPT AVENUE奉辦,將會向每位参展商分享多年的零售知識及器材資訊,幫助参展商與各大銷售平台接觸,共同前 進,一同推動本港咖啡文化及增加自身銷量。
COFFEETURE will be held for five days at SOGO, organized by CONCEPT AVENUE. We will share our years of retail expertise and equipment information with each exhibitor, helping the exhibitors to connect with various sales platforms, move forward together, and jointly promote the local coffee culture and increase their own sales.
多年來將無數產品帶入香港,銷售網絡遍布各大商場、超市及百貨公司。於產品銷售方面堪稱專家,專長為各大商品推展至更廣的層面。今次 COFFEETURE 除了為 推廣咖啡文化的機會, 亦為展商推薦產品的好時機。
As the organizer of COFFEETURE, CONCEPT AVENUE has extensive retail management experience and sales channel resources, providing exhibitors with unparalleled business opportunities.
AIDEN 係 FELLOW 精心研發嘅革命性產品,只需三秒即熱沖煮,完美釋放每一杯精品咖啡的極致風味!
< 3秒模式 >
• PID 精準溫控模式
• 獨家 3 秒即熱系統
• 内置冷萃、手沖等五種模式
• 支援一杯到十杯大份量沖煮
< 頂級規格配置 >
• 首創保溫密封沖煮系統
• 二段式全方位花灑沖煮頭
• 大口徑不鏽鋼保溫咖啡壺
• 高解像彩色 LCD 顯示
< 科技配合 >
• APP 應用無限可能
• 單杯多份,咖啡豆精準運算
• 內建自動清潔,保持最佳狀態
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Open today | 10:00 – 21:00 |
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